Color Guide for Graphic Designers

Color psychology is one of the most crucial web design aspects. Being correctly implemented, colors work for better presentation of projects. To show the latter to advantage, learn tips and tricks of choosing colors in web design. Read this book, A-Z guide for designers (both amateur and mature), and find out the must-have color design skills essential for creating well-done, well-performing, aesthetically pleasing design.

This book outlines best practices of applying color in branding, digital environments and whatever design-related spheres. Starting with illumination of color basics, it tells all you need to know about fundamentals of using color in design. Page after page you delve deeper and deeper into the theory of colors, underlining its key points. The theory is illustrated with real-world examples of projects you’ll find useful in understanding the whole concept of what is written in the book. Guiding you through the process of color works on a project, this guide will enumerate the most possible challenges that can happen during it and show best ways to successful final outcome.

Source: Best Practices for Graphic Designers, Color Works: Right Ways of Applying Color in Branding, Wayfinding, Information Design, Digital Environments and Pretty Much Everywhere Else

Katarina Klementi

Katarina is a content writer, one of those who create all-that-inspirational sometimes technical posts for TemplateMonster blog.

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