CSS and JavaScript

Basically, all the websites are a code and that code is HTML. However, to make them more pretty and visually appealing the CSS and JavaScript is used. All the gorgeous forms, smooth animation and eye-catching design of modern websites are made with the help of CSS and JavaScript. If you are a professional web developer and mastered the art of web pages building – in this category you will find lots of useful information. Here TemplateMonster shares tips and advice about using CSS for creating different design elements, like buttons or menus, generalized tutorials on CSS and JavaScript for beginners and more specific articles about jQuery usage. The texts from this category will teach you how to increase your website speed, tell about useful tools and describe the most popular plugins for coders. By the way, would you like your website to be responsive? CSS and JavaScript will help you to achieve that goal.

How the Styling of CSS Radio Button is Made? [CSS Tricks]


How to Build a jQuery Slide Out Menu with CSS


Free Copy and Paste Pricing Table HTML Snippets


CSS Media Queries for All Devices and Browsers (Including IE7 and IE8)


Digital Bestsellers of All Times Award – Meet the Winners


Free CSS3 Hover Effects to Copy and Paste


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Free Multipurpose Plugins to Handle YouTube Videos on WordPress Sites


5 Reasons to Learn HTML and CSS


Photo Gallery for Your HTML5 Website – jQuery and CSS3 Tutorials


43 jQuery Plugins for Carousel-Type Content Sliding


How to Create Parallax Effect with Pure CSS


How to Code a Sliding Registration Form Panel with jQuery
